Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Improvement Based on Feedback Sheet

After reading the teacher feedback on the final draft of my magazine, I have come up with a few changes and additions I will make to my final version. Firstly, on my cover I need to use one consistent font for the white cover lines down the left side. This will hopefully make it look less busy. I also need to work on the size of my title/logo, E&D, as it seems quite small compared to the main cover line, and is almost dwarfed by it. I should put the date, issue number and price on the front cover as well, as I forgot to do this on the draft. I will make the banner at the bottom smaller as well, as it takes up too much space in comparison to the rest of the cover.
My contents page also needs some changes. I need to work on the sizes and dimensions of the boxes in on the page as they are still a bit off, and it looks quite busy compared to the cover page. The photos I have used (which I did take, but they are only the test shots I had to work with at the time) are over manipulated and I should leave them simpler in the final piece.
With my double page spread, I have still over manipulated the images (which once again, I did take myself and are not copyright as my feedback sheet says) I also have to work on my columns a lot as I don't like the look of them and they definitely need work. I may make them slightly transparent also, but I'll see how that looks first. My lead photo needs to be larger as it doesn't grab your attention enough as a lead photo should. My introductory text needs to be bolder and stand out more as well, as it kind of fades in with the rest of the text as it is. I will also place a quote line somewhere over one of the images as I feel it will make the pages less simplistic.

Teacher Feedback on Draft

As Draft Feed Back Sheet Alex s

Sunday, 26 February 2012

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Media Question One

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Media Question Two

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Media Question Three

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Media Question Four

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Media Question Five

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Media Question 6

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Media Question 7

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Draft Double Page Spread

All of the pictures on these pages are only test shots as I have not taken the actual ones yet. I like the layout on the first page a lot and will probably keep it mostly the same, although I will change the font used for "Red Mist" as it is too plain and not gritty enough for my genre. The second page doesn't look particually good to me, as I feel there is far too much white space where the writing is, and the text dominates the page. In my final version, I will try to break this up more with the images. I will also add a quote on top of one of the pictures to make it look less plain and flat.

Draft Contents Page

The picture used in the Red Mist section is once again just a test shot used until I have taken the actual shots. I like the effect used on the photos for Viper and L.A.B though and will probably keep them similar to this draft. I may also put a picture of the "editor" in that section on the final design. Apart from that, I am happy with the layout of this page and will keep it the same.

Draft Front Cover

The main picture on the cover is currently just a test shot of my model I had to use as I haven't taken the real pictures yet. The actual photo will have him holding the devil puppet up to his ear with a insane look in his eye. I will also probably use another smaller picture of a different artist on my cover next to the "Viper play London" section to add more to it. Finally, the banner at the bottom looks strange and I will probably simplify that in the final design.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Magazine Name - Exploit & Destroy

I have decided to call my magazine E&D, which stands for Exploit and Destroy. I chose this name as I was looking through font styles. I saw one font out of the corner of my eye and thought it said Exploit and Destroy, but it didn't. These two words stuck in my head and I think they suit my magazine well as they sound violent and brutal which fits in with the rock and metal theme. It also reminds me of the tactic used by America when they first entered the Iraq War, Shock and Awe. Its based around a strong and fast attack straight away to completely obliterate the enemies will to fight and their key features. This lends to my magazine which will be like that sudden burst of extreme activity and destruction. Hit them straight from the beginning, quickly and strongly. Also, I have decided that it will primarily be used as its abbreviation, E&D. This rolls off of the tongue easily and will fit easily as a logo for the magazine.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Final Paper Designs

Firstly, my front cover design shows how my magazine name, E&D will take up a large area on the front cover, making it bold and in your face. I will have a banner that runs along the bottom of the page showing other bands that appear in that edition of the magazine. My picture will be a studio shot, enabling me to take the background out and making it this red theme. The red slowly fades as it goes down the page, making it less flat and boring. My cover line, stating what the main article is about will be on the left hand side of the page, but will go across some of the picture. My contents page will follow the layout shown above, a main picture on the left hand side with the actual contents text running down the right. My logo will appear at the top again, but smaller this time. The editor's message will be in the bottom right hand corner and next to it taking up most of the space at the bottom, next to it, will be the second major article in that issue. My double page spread will follow a reasonably simple design, with the title at the top, several pictures across the two pages to break up the text with a main one on the first page, and the text in between on a white background to make it easy to read.

Test Shots 4

These shots are all almost the same, but a group of people started to walk past as I was taking them and I wanted to see what they would look like if they were slightly in the shot. My favourite of these shots is the very last one. I think the blurred people walking past on the edges of the photo work well in contrast to the crisp focus on the main model.

Test Shots 3

These pictures were mostly taken to try out different colour settings. I think the greyscale in particular, works well and I think the group shots in greyscale are quite effective. I think they may appear rather pop/indie like though if I do use this type of shot.

Test Shots 2

These shots are just generic ones showing different angles, model emotions, zoom and backgrounds. I especially like the ones that were taken on an outside wall background. They add to the gritty style of my magazine. Of these shots, I like the bottom left one as he isn't looking directly at the camera, giving it a more natural look, rather than as if he's posing for the camera. The urban, bricky, on-location background adds to this natural look. For the same reasons, I also like the bottom left one, as even though he is making eye contact with the camera, it still has an urban and gritty look to it. I feel that with a bit of contrast changing and possibly black and white, I could use this photo on my contents page quite easily.

Test Shots 1


These photos are of my main model, Darren. He will appear on my front cover and double page spread as the main artist in my magazine. Darren plays on my hockey team and I felt he would be good for my magazine as he enjoys the genre of music my magazine is aimed at and therefore, looks the part.