Monday 30 January 2012

My Pitch in Full


  1. Good effort. I liked your supporting Animoto moodboard and ideas in your pitch about your colour palette, font, photography, model and target audience.
    You now need to reflect and evaluate more carefully about exactly what you are hoping to produce and how you will do it.
    For example:
    - Exactly what sort of music lover would buy your magazine? (Go back to your work on ch4 Tribes and link it to your GENRE)
    - What specific inspirations/ conventions are you planning to use? For example WHAT CONNOTATIONS you are hoping the audience will automatically understand by your use of model/ costume/ colours/ cover lines?
    - How will your magazine STAND OUT? Are you using any special artistic ideas?
    - What POSE/ CAMERA ANGLE will your model(s) be using? Why? What message are you hoping it will project about your artist and audience?
    - CLOTHES/ COSTUME also make us have particular judgements about people. How will your artist be dressed and why?
    - Will you be using any LOCATION/ STUDIO shots? Where and why? Where will these photos be placed?
    - What range of OTHER PHOTOS will you be using? Any photos of festivals/ gigs/ groups of people/ instruments?
    - How much will your magazine COST and why?
    - What other aspects had you not considered before that you now realise are important?

  2. Your moodboard gave a good insight to the genre and style you wish to adopt for your magazine. A majority of the images you used in your moodboard were dark and cartoon like; will you be re-creating this style? If so how will you create it?
    Your target audience of 16 – 29 years is a good age range, ensure your designs appeal to the younger and older end of the spectrum.
    In your pitch evaluation you mention using a devil puppet as a prop, this is a good idea for the style of magazine you are creating just explain why this prop is being used and why Darren is the best model for your front page. Give evidence you have researched other models providing test shots of them.
    After receiving feedback from your classmates you say you are thinking of using a red background, rather than a black to break the cliché. I think this is an area you need to research a little more, as a red background could appear to bold making your text not stand out and detract away from your image. Do some test backgrounds and text to research your colour palette a little more this will help you to decide. Give evidence of this on your blog by saving your examples as jpegs.
    You have experimented with a number of test shots, which are composed well. Now decide which will work best for your magazine and why. You mentioned you liked the long shot images of the people walking just out of the frame. If you do decide to do this ensure you make it obvious that is what you were intending for that photo.
